Your Personalized Convr ROI Results

Based on our calculations we believe you can save per year on improvements in your submission process.

Convr Intake AI™ helps you achieve this by reducing the manual effort to process insurance applications. Convr digitally processes submission documents using patented intelligent document processing (IDP), which drives straight-through-processing, saving you time and money, while reducing stress on your underwriting team.

We also estimate that you would grow revenues by from increased capacity, and ease of information and agent satisfaction.

Convr's Risk 360 AI™ is a data lake comprised of the ​digital footprint of millions of businesses, which leads to more efficient and accurate underwriting. With Convr's Answers AI™, our insurance-trained AI models pre-fill applications and business classifications. This eliminates friction with agents, which leads to higher win rate and more premiums without any additional resources. Convr's Risk Score AI™ models look at thousands of data sources and uses machine learning to predict future risk of a submission. This allows your business to increase underwriting capacity while not compromising risk selection.

Calculation is based on time savings in processing submissions, increase in bind rate, and increase in submission capacity, of our existing customers using the platform.

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