December 19, 2023

Dip into Convr’s Data Rich Data Lake Backed by Patented AI 


What makes Convr’s data lake such a valuable resource?

It’s not just the data itself, but the insight we offer as we pull all the information together. And that insight gets delivered through a knowledge graph of domain-specific, interoperable data sets to deliver the most accurate commercial property and casualty (P&C) insurance information available on the market.

Our data is P&C insurance-industry specific, organized for the purpose of insurance evaluation and as reliable as any single primary source. Plus, our range of domain-specific sources is staggering, as is our commitment to continuous improvement. In 2023 alone we’re ahead of the pack as we have business classification codes for around 60 million businesses (NAICS, SIC).

With eight years of continuous learning, our commercial P&C insurance models have advanced with every point of access. Our data pipelines connect with thousands of data sources that are continually refreshed in concert with source updates. There’s no other resource that can deliver the best and most relevant data in-line with your underwriting operation, and that claim is substantiated by our four patents from the USPTO.
Our AI-infused, modular underwriting platform containing our Risk 360 AI data lake significantly simplifies searches from thousands of sources and millions of websites—cutting down on an underwriting team member’s manual effort to gather information while simultaneously reducing the number of time-consuming searches from external sources.

With Convr’s Risk 360 AI commercial property and casualty insurance underwriting teams can also:

  • Visualize a deeper applicant view
  • Assess risk appetite compliance with greater efficiency
  • Synthesize the vast amounts of information
  • Empower underwriting actuarial and data science teams to bring their own data (BYOD) to our seasoned models
  • Retain and reuse applicant data for future pricing and claims modeling, operational and portfolio analysis

How does it work?
Our unrivaled insights from machine learning (ML) models synthesize the vast array of purpose-gathered information and deliver a comprehensive view of the submission based on your underwriting risk appetite.

And like we said earlier, the way the information is delivered through a knowledge graph supports your underwriters’ process. We expose detailed insights that enable easier interpretation of findings providing your team with a deeper look at search results, as well as source organization and clarity to enable faster discovery that will better guide your decisioning. A historical record is then captured for renewals, operational and portfolio insights, as well as claims and audit evaluations.

The process takes seconds—not hours or days, saving your team time and resources by increasing efficiency and speeding submission-to-quote. And the more updates and current information that gets added to the data lake, the better results for underwriting teams.
Download and read any one of our customer case studies to see how Convr is helping many of the top 10 carriers reach their goals through the power of our expansive data lake within our AI underwriting platform:

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